How To Play Cornhole?

Cornhole is a simple game we all love! You will notice that the cornhole board designs are the same at a graduation ceremony, Labor Day, or the weekend. Barbeque get-togethers are incomplete without cornhole as well. Partygoers go where the game is because it brings friends together.

You may be new to the game. You may need to refresh the rules as well. Cornhole has rules that you must know so you can play accurately. Before we start the fun, here is the Funwater Board guide to the fundamental rules. In the end, you can host a friendly match or battle with a rival player.

cornhole board with the theme of the American flag, placed on a beach.

What is cornhole?

Cornhole is a well-known game that is played mostly outside. It becomes popular in America in the early decades of the 2010s. Over time, you will discover the sport is most awaited at tailgates, backyard parties, carnivals, and fairs.

The cornhole board is very simple to place. You will need two boards and eight bean bags. Cornhole board designs have a single hole where the bag is aimed. You can also land the bag on the board for minimum points. You can play the sport as teams or as separate players. Cornhole has different variations, which makes it very engaging.

No one is sure how the cornhole sport came to be! However, there are myths that we cannot confirm or deny. One thing is for sure—the game was conceived in Ohio where it started gaining popularity very fast. From there, it spread to the neighboring states, where it was played before football games in the parking lot. Now, the sport is easily accessible where you go.

a cornhole board placed on a sandy beach

What are the Cornhole rules?

  1. Firstly, pick the teams and select your best player to make the first toss.
  2. The players will switch positions and take turns. They aim to toss the bean bags on the cornhole board. The team must wait until all eight bags are thrown.
  3. You can count the score according to your method. It is up to the team to decide how to calculate the winner or loser.
  4. Now, gather the bean bags. Repeat with the following player.
  5. Continue repeating steps 2,3 and 4 until the team or the player scores 21 points.
  6. The winner is decided with a difference of more than two points.

image of a cornhole board set up in a grassy backyard

Play Cornhole soon

Whether you are looking for a game or an engaging activity, cornhole is the best solution. You can play it with kids after work or turn it into a tailgate tradition. The cornhole board design makes the game perfect for socializing. It is very simple to learn. You can play it as many times as you wish without getting bored. You will laugh for hours!

If you are searching for a high-quality cornhole board, look no further than Funwater Board. The online shop is the right place to purchase anything game-related. The return policy is flexible so that you can try the cornhole board designs without future risks. Funwater Board also offers sports gear and traveling essentials at budget-friendly prices. Shop now!

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